Professionals Forum

Professionals Forum

Our vision of transforming lives within corporate segments, Strengthening and uniting all corporate fellowships , Setting up new fellowships in various corporate campuses, Addressing the problems and issues faced by corporate believers, Directing believers to join the fellowship and Connecting and introducing new believers to individual fellowships.
SIM team has kick started a handful of new fellowships in Bangalore campuses, various cities in India and even in the US. Praise God! God is adding many believers and non-believers to the fellowships, there are still countless souls to be reached. Many are blessed indeed! God is building His people by many different means. We are greatly privileged to be a part of fulfilling the plan of God in Christ Jesus.

God gave us the burden and vision to influence the influencers at the work place. This site has great potential of social networking which can influence thousands.  SIM believes in development that is sustainable. True development sustainability in a community can happen only when individuals of the community are in a relationship with Christ.

SIM is an inter-corporate and inter-denominational Christian fellowship catering to the spiritual needs of software professionals in Hyderabad &  ecunderabad. Many software companies in twin cities have individual or combined corporate fellowship groups and meet on a regular basis for prayer and Bible study.

SIM intends to be a spiritual hub combining the resources of various fellowships for conveying the gospel and furthering the Kingdom of God in their respective workplaces.



The Kingdom of God is enormous – far bigger than your family or local church. To deliver the truth of God’s Kingdom and unite the Body of Christ with the world at large, we believe we have the mandate to bring Godly change to our nation and, in truth the world, through the seven spheres – or mountains – of societal influence. The 7 Mountain Mandate is a powerful, transformative campaign intended to bring about this social transformation.

Religion & Faith

 Christianity is under attack and the concept of God is being rejected more than ever. We believe that the Church must revive its previously strong influence on Western society, expanding the Kingdom of God by spreading knowledge of the love and Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Church is tasked with expanding His message through ministerial efforts in our nation and across the world.


The family is the centerpiece of any functioning society. Unfortunately, families have been under attack and suffered from dysfunction for decades. Divorce, fatherlessness, abuse and homosexual marriage are among the primary culprits. We believe God wants to bring healing to marriages and relationships, ending this chaos and providing a solid moral foundation for our children.


Once, our education system unapologetically incorporated biblical principles and prayer into students’ daily routines. Now, our children are being indoctrinated with liberal ideologies, atheistic teaching and postmodern principles in our public schools and even in Christian institutions. We seek to restore biblical truth and Godly morality into our country’s failing educational system.

Government & Law

A nation’s moral condition is often reflected in its political leaders. Unfortunately, we have seen a steady increase in political corruption, as well as a steady erosion of the link between our government and legal system and the Christian values upon which our country was founded. Our goal is to educate and equip citizens so they can effectively influence government at all levels with Truth and righteousness.

Media, News & Commentary

The Media, News & Commentary mountain includes sources such as TV, radio, newspapers, online news, and, of course, the hugely influential social media sites and blogs on the Internet. To bring transformation to this enormous mountain, we shall speak the truth from a Biblical perspective to combat the sea of disinformation spread by liberal elite outlets and other mainstream media sources.

Arts & Entertainment

Music, movies, television, and social media wield enormous influence on our youth, and the dark forces of sex, drugs, alcohol and immorality that permeate these fields are spreading dangerous messages to our children. The body of Christ is in desperate need of righteous people who take their talents into these fields and are unafraid of using their platform to further His greater purposes.

Business & Economics

The free market system is a God-given gift, enabling us to build wealth through enterprise, creativity, and effort. We believe in limiting the role of government in our nation’s business practices and allowing the free markets to run their course. We also espouse prosperity with a purpose, calling upon those who manage businesses to lead with integrity, honesty and by biblical principles.