About Us

About US


The need for individuals to be introduced to a relationship with Christ is much more now than at any other time in history. As the need is much more than what is being done to meet the need, people involved in missions, Pastors and Church leaders came together and wanted to pass on their burden to the Indian professionals working in India and in different parts of the world to join hands in the mission of reaching out to the needy. This coming together of the people involved in missions, Pastors, Church Leaders and Indian professionals has now become a movement in the form of Synergy India Missions (SIM)

Why India?

The Indian population is close to 20% of the global population. It means that every 5th human being born in the world is an Indian. When the importance of human relationship with Christ is talked about at a global level, India cannot be neglected for the sheer reason of its size. SIM understands this better. There is much more to be accomplished in India. Geographically the priority of focus would be India, and as work expands, neighboring countries of Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Bhutan and Bangladesh would be considered.

The perspectives..

The various needs of individuals needs are prioritized based on their aspirations. Majority of the individuals aspire to move from one economic strata of the society to another. This to a large extent determines the decisions and choices made at an individual or family level. For example, parents want their children to be educated to fulfill their own aspiration of moving to the next strata in the society through the development of their children. Spirituality or God is only seen as a means of realizing their aspirations. In other words, need for God is not a directly felt need for the majority of the population. The need for God can move up the priority list when there is discontentment or some event in life that challenges the existence of the individual.

Introducing individuals to a relationship with Christ can be considered in two different ways. One is to present Christ to the individuals directly. In this approach irrespective of the individual’s needs priority or aspirations, Christ is presented and the expectation is that the individual would change the needs priority to prioritize relationship with Christ over everything else. The second approach is to understand the aspirations of the individual and journey with the individual in realizing the aspirations and in the process provide opportunities for the individual to realize the importance of prioritizing relationship with Christ over everything else to have a fulfilled life.

It is not that one approach is better than the other. It is important to understand both the approaches considering the context of the field and use them with wisdom from above. So Synergy Indian Missions in consultation with the local partner would consider the appropriate approach based on the context of the location in question.

SIM’s role..

SIM is a mediating platform between the local partners involved in introducing individuals to a relationship with Christ, and individuals, groups, Churches and other charities both within India and in other countries that are in a relationship with Christ and share the burden to bring others into this relationship.

SIM intends to identify local partners in the countries of focus who are in the business of introducing individuals to Christ, and based on their God given vision associate with them in aspects of commonality to develop and support them in realizing their vision more effectively. Depending on the local partners’ approach of presenting individuals to a relationship with Christ, the required development and support plan would be worked out in association with the partner with very clear outcomes and metrics.

The local partner’s development and support plan would be the starting point for engaging with those interested in associating for this cause. Depending on the need, those interested could decide on a one time association or make a long term commitment for a given proposal. SIM endeavors to create a network of individuals, groups, Churches and other charities both within India and in other countries that have a common understating and calling, and to be an avenue for them to know and respond to their calling.

Based on the knowledge and expertise of associating with partners as part of its mission in the past, SIM has identified certain interventions that would be offered to the partners as part of supporting them in realizing their vision. Some of these are – strategies to become self-supportive; build capacity in rapid development of worshipping groups; augmenting the ability to heal the sick and overcome the powers of darkness; support for cognitive development; low cost houses and other required infrastructure improvement; support for using media to effectively introduce others to a relationship with Christ; sponsorship for children; and health and hygiene. This list of initiatives and their priorities would change depending on the interaction with the local partners.

Work has been initiated in one of the districts of a South Indian state with a local partner (Details can be provided on request).

SIM’s commitment…

SIM would be responsible for identifying the right local partner, work on the required development and support plan with definite outcomes and metrics, provide required resources, facilitate implementation, and do an evaluation of the outcomes in association with the partner. Stewardship, accountability, facilitative approach and transparency are the core values of SIM.

States in India